Women’s New European Bauhaus – WNEB
The Women’s New European Bauhaus (WNEB) is an official partner of the New European Bauhaus initiative launched by the European Commission. WNEB is made up of a group of women from research and academia, associations, grassroots, entrepreneurs, with different professions and knowledge: architects, engineers, farmers, sociologists, geologists, historians, philosophers, environmental psychologists, biologists, economists, writers, artists, housewives, who share the concept of the New European Bauhaus of developing actions for the future of cities and communities. We want to imagine new structures and new urban settings for new lifestyles that, in close relationship with nature and the environment, promote health, well-being, beauty and equity, in order to achieve the Green Deal which aims to make Europe the first climate-neutral continent by 2050. WNEB aims to experiment with the establishment of a Gender Hub of the Ecological Transition, in which the dimensions of research, circular economy, sustainable mobility, innovative cohabitation, care, technological innovation, regeneration coexist with urban climate change, aim at identifying effective methodologies for radical changes towards a sustainable way of life in Europe and in the world, through processes of spreading of knowledge and practices of active citizenship of women, in Europe and in the world.
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