Smart Ports: Piers of the Future – Sailing Towards Innovation

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Smart Ports: Piers of the Future – Sailing Towards Innovation

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This year’s highlights encompass emerging maritime enterprises, port-city relations, the blue economy, and groundbreaking initiatives undertaken by leading ports. The program will include:

  • A High-Level Roundtable which convenes port executives and coastal city mayors to deliberate on matters of innovation and port-city collaboration.
  • Innovation in the Blue Economy will delve into the transformative impact of technologies such as 5G, AI, and IoT on the blue economy.
  • And Driving Sustainable and Intelligent Maritime Transport will shine a spotlight on recent technological breakthroughs in achieving eco-friendly and smart maritime transportation.

November 8th is devoted to Smart Ports, emphasizing innovation and sustainability in the port sector, while November 7th and 9th are dedicated to blue economy topics.Within the Smart Ports and Tomorrow.BlueEconomy booths, there is an "Innovation area" housing eight exhibition pods, fostering entrepreneurship and novel concepts. Additionally, the Tech Tour Blue Economy event, taking place on November 7th and 8th at the Tomorrow.BlueEconomy agora, brings together investors, entrepreneurs, and startups to explore the transformative potential of innovation in the blue economy and smart ports.


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