The Industry Automotive Sector future is changing so fast, focusing on current society demand: electromobility, autonomous driving and connectivity. Do you think a city without pollution and noise is possible? In Nissan we believe in this future, but for us the future is now. Nissan vision goes beyond the car and today we need to be supported by others partners such as the energy and public sector. Nissan wants to share the present and the future of Nissan Intelligent Mobility with all the SmartCity audience.
The speakers will be:
Teresa Ribera, Vicepresidenta del Gobierno de España y Responsable del Ministerio de Transición Ecológica y Reto Demográfico
Bruno Mattucci, Consejero Director General de Nissan Iberia
Francesc Corberó, Director de Comunicación Nissan España y Portugal
Organized by: Nissan Iberia, S.A.