Utrecht: a race for the top in the green, cycling city

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DutchNews.nl is publishing 10 articles focusing on the 10 cities where most international residents live in the run up to the local elections in March. Part 9: Utrecht. Students in Utrecht were surprised to be woken to a doorstep delivery of croissants and the cheery face of D66 parliamentary leader Jan Paternotte on Saturday. ‘I saw more people in their pyjamas than I had done in months,’ he told DutchNews.nl. But it is a race worth getting students out of bed for. The left-leaning, young city of Utrecht will see a close election race between liberal democrats D66 and green socialist GroenLinks this year. Whoever is largest is likely to decide whether or not the city coalition will include the conservative-liberal VVD – currently polling at third – and how Utrecht decides on key, contentious issues such as building houses on the Rijnenburg polder.

+INFO: DutchNews

+IMATGES: DutchNews

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