Go Zero Waste: A guide to zero waste living

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Go Zero Waste: A guide to zero waste living

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A mobile app to find out how to reduce your waste on a daily basis.

Go Zero Waste is a mobile app designed to enable waste free living. It is available for iOS and Android in several countries and languages.

How does it work?

  1. MAP. Find local shops with products and services that offer Zero Waste and plastic-free alternatives. Reduce, reuse, repair locally.
  2. CHALLENGES. Learn Zero Waste tips and tricks and find out how to reduce your waste on a daily basis.
  3. COLLABORATE. Learn, share and connect. Suggest stores in your area and help the community grow.

At Go Zero Waste we are people like you. We believe that a life without single-use plastic and less waste is possible and we decided to take action. We have created this app to make it easier for people to join a new, more sustainable and local way of living and consuming.

For more information, WATCH THIS VIDEO

12074647068 go-zero-waste-appGo Zero Waste app general view

12074647068 go-zero-waste-app-featuresGo Zero Waste app features


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Company Link: https://gozerowaste.app

E-mail: info@gozerowaste.app

Contact Phone: +34 635 42 51 28

Product Link: https://gozerowaste.app