Interconnected sensor nodes to detect deformations in buildings and civil engineering structures.
A specially manufactured strip of interconnected sensors (magnetometers, accelerometers, gyroscopes, etc.), which is inseparably embedded into the constructions of the relevant building or engineering structure or which is affixed thereto at any time after completion of the construction thereof, and which is connected to the data registration module and regularly provides data about the condition of the relevant constructions (vibrations, irreversible movements, etc.). This allows handling of the anomalies in the operational parameters of the constructions proactively. Sensors are connected to the hub and to the PC, where is GSM module installed. 24/7 data flow from the object ( bridge, roof, industrial construction) is organized using GSM network. To build up the whole IoT system , there are three subsystems linked together: Data acquisition system from sensors; data processing and transfer system, and load data analysis system in real time.
Sensor system for engineering structure deformation monitoring.
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